
Smart products for mobile wellbeing

TETRA-project to create a Flemish network of, and provide support for, integral design processes and prototyping in the field of mobile and smart applications for health and wellbeing.

The project will deliver User Centered, Interaction and Product Design guidelines and will provide Technology Selectors that help companies in making the right decisions in terms of hard- and software (e.g. which sensors or actuators (not) to include in my product?).

The project wants to help in creating smart products and applications (e.g.  integrate IoT technology). It enables a smooth and cost-efficient transition from prototype to final product.

Flanders already has a very strong health-related ecosystem and economy which is deeply rooted in our culture. In order to sustain this local socio-economic domain, constant innovation is needed and ongoing (see e.g. ProF or ZorgEconomie).

On a technical level, Internet-of-things (IoT) and smart devices are becoming more important with a forecasted global economic impact between 2.7 and 6.2 billion US Dollars by 2025.

Partners in ProMoW will receive support for integrating IoT in their existing and new products and for developing mobile smart health and wellbeing products.

ProMoW partners can collaborate in the project through various partnerships, ranging from being a member of the user committee to being full partner and having an Industry Case and two Concept Demonstrators developed. All partners will have access to:

  • the ProMoW knowledge and expertise network
  • a virtual lab (III-Lab, Protolab, DSL-Lab, Sizing Servers) that supports the various steps in the design process
  • an integrated design strategy (IDS) that removes the hurdles for creating smart products and that focusses on user and usage (market & context), interaction (context & technology) and product design (technology & production)
  • ProMoW seminars and workshops

Create a knowledge and expertise network and develop an integrated design strategy (IDS) that removes the hurdles for working with smart products.

Co-create with full partners (big or small) of the project various industry cases and concept demonstrators, using the developed integrated design strategy (IDS).

Prof. Dr. Jelle Saldien
Prof. Dr. Steven Verstockt

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