
We believe in the power of ICT and multimedia when talking about innovation in sports. Our team consists of people active in typical sports science disciplines with active involvement by those specialized in wearables, apps, analytics, etc.


A variety of technologies can be used in the framework of R&D projects for shoes, insoles, garments, smart textiles, etc. We could also be your partner for the validation aspect: does it actually work?


Our sport science laboratory is one of the leading facilities in beta-alanine supplementation studies. We also optimize strategies for nutritional interventions in athletes and develop novel dietary supplements for sport and health purposes.

Expertise fields

Our teams have expertise in a variety of domains and disciplines which in itself or combined result in various sports innovations.

Get in touch

Don’t hesitate to contact us regarding upcoming R&D projects, the creation of new sport products or services, organization of events, or any other question related to sports innovation. Victoris is your single point of contact, giving access to our universities research laboratories and know-how.