New Sports Science Lab

Developing new insights, translating results into practice

Ghent University decided to invest heavenly in sports sciences by building a new research facility at the Department of Movement and Sports Sciences.

A consortium of researchers (iRunMan) was composed and Hercules funding was attracted for all high-tech equipment that needed to be installed

Ghent University is a pioneer when it comes down to sports science and education, it was one of the first worldwide that created a physical educational program based on sports science.

The amount and quality of the sports scientific research increased rapidly in the past decade.

No high level laboratory facilities were available. Biomechanical and sports physiology and training studies were conducted in sub-optimal conditions.

Researchers can not only have extensive know-how in the various domains of sports and movement sciences, they also have the perfect environment to do both fundamental as applied research in ideal conditions.

The facility and its staff has the potential to perform a variety of studies that have both societal as economic value.

The laboratory is the perfect place for companies and start-ups to set up collaborations with academics with the combined desire to create new and better sports applications.

The goal of the laboratory is not only to develop novel scientific insights, but also translate these results to practice.

The team holds an open minded approach to those wanting to innovate based on available and new scientific evidence.

Prof. Dr. Dirk De Clercq

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