Video observation to optimize your motivation skills.

V-observer is an online environment, created through research funding from the Flemish Research Foundation, in which pre-service and in-service physical education teachers can identify opportunities to optimize their motivating style by a) completing a validated questionnaire that provides a personalized profile of their motivating style, and b) tagging videos their own lessons.
Research derived from Self-Determination Theory shows that students who are more autonomously motivated, are also more physically active in their leisure time (Haerens et al., 2010). Physical Education teachers thus face the challenge to foster autonomous motivation in their students through the adoption of a motivating style (Haerens et al., 2015, Haerens et al., 2018).
Hundreds of studies have demonstrated the benefits of an autonomy-supportive and structured motivating style and the motivating strategies associated with it (e.g., positive feedback, empathy, choice and rationale provision). Previous research showed that Physical Education teachers can optimize their motivation style as a result of a 1-day workshop (Aelterman et al., 2013 & 2014).
V-observer complements existing workshops by providing opportunities for more intensive and personalized screening and training.
- V-observer generates a personalized profile of teachers’ motivating style
- V-observer is unique because it integrates videos and allows to tag concrete situations who represent the (de-)motivating style of the teacher
- By using V-observer teachers can connect the results derived from the questionnaire to their video-based taggings. This allows to identify their strengths and areas for improvement as to optimize their motivating style
- The screening through questionnaires and video-observations allows to generate insights that can be used in personalized coaching trajectories
- The tool is very useful for pre-service teachers to reflect on their motivating style during internship.
To provide pre- and in-service physical education teachers with evidence-based tools to optimize their motivating style.
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Prof. Dr. Leen Haerens
Contact us for more information about this project