Continuous Athlete Monitoring in Cycling

In collaboration with various companies and research groups, a real-time data-driven cycling experience, both during training and at mass amateur events, will be developed.

Development of a mobile network layer based on a long range IEEE 802.15.4g wireless technology with the bikes as nodes.

Development of a data analysis layer that is able to interpret the data in real-time.

CONAMO is a project co-funded by iMinds, a digital research institute founded by the Flemish Government. Project partners are iMinds, Rombit, Energy Lab and VRT, with project support from VLAIO (Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship).

Many cyclists are riding with a series of sensors measuring aspects such as heart rate, power, location, and speed.

The main limitation of existing cycling training apps is that almost all data reporting and analysis happens offline as a post-processing step.

At cycling events, the lack of real-time data and ways to interact with peers makes cycling an individual experience.

Real-time updates can enable friendly competitions, presenting a business opportunity in a booming cycling event market where increased experience is the key differentiator.

The project will allow communication during mass amateur cycling events. We will make it possible to send real-time sensor information from cyclist to cyclist.

All of this may improve how amateur cyclists experience their race and training.

A large-scale demonstration is planned at the 2018 Tour of Flanders for amateurs, in collaboration with our user committee member Golazo.

Prof. Dr. Jan Boone
Prof. Dr. Lieven De Marez
Dr. Philip Leroux

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