Department of Telecommunications and information processing /
Database, Document and Content Management
Guy de Guy de Tré is master in Informatics since 1994 and doctor in Applied Sciences (PhD) since 2000. Since 2004 he is nominated as a tenured professor with specialism ‘Fuzzy Information processing’. Since his nomination, he is connected with the department of Telecommunications and Information Processing of the faculty of Engineering. Today he is leading the research group Database, Document and Content Management (DDCM). His research is centered around databases and information processing, more specifically around object comparison, search techniques, decision support, the modelling of imperfect information and the enhancement of database accessibility.
Guy De Tré is coordinator of the European EUSFLAT working group on ‘Soft Computing in Database Management and Information Retrieval’. He is active as speaker, reviewer and session leader for multiple international congresses. He is a reviewer for prominent scientific journals, among which IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Control and Cybernetics, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, International, Journal of Geographical Information Science, IEEE Computer and VLDB journal.