Footbal Shoe Biomechanics

Shoe-surface interactions

In collaboration with an industrial partner, young, experienced national level soccer players were tested while performing cutting maneuvers on artificial turf. A biomechanical analysis consisting of 3D kinematics and ground reaction force measurements was conducted.

Artificial turf fields are gaining popularity and turf types are constantly evolving.

The interaction between soccer player, soccer shoe and turf type are of specific interest for soccer shoe manufacturers. This project gains insights in possible injury mechanisms and performance differences between soccer players, turf types and shoe types.

To gain better insights in the interaction between soccer player, soccer shoe and artificial turf type during cutting maneuvers performed with different shoe types, on different types of artificial turf and with different levels of anticipation. A main variable of interest is the generated traction during these cutting maneuvers.

Prof. Dr. Dirk De Clercq

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