Prof. Dr. Jelle Saldien


Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Product Design /
Industrial Design

Jelle Saldien received his M.S. degree in Industrial Science ICT at DeNayer Institute in 2003 and an additional M.S. degree in Product Development at Artesis in 2005. In 2009, he received his Ph.D. at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel on the design and development of the social robot Probo. From 2010, he was lecturer in Industrial Design at the Howest University College West Flanders. Since 2013 he is appointed as Assistant Professor Industrial Design at Ghent University and since 2014 steering member of Flanders Make VD4. Jelle Saldien is co-author of over 50 technical publications, proceedings, editorials and books. His research interests include mechatronic design, interaction design, human computer interaction and social robotics.

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