EU-INTERREG project Nano4Sports kicked-off

Nano4Sports is a EU project combining expertise from both the Flemish part of Belgium as the south part of The Netherlands. The project kicked-off on the 6th of February with a general meeting where all project partners were present. These include the University of Leuven (coordinator), Ghent University, IMEC Flanders and The Netherlands (Holst Centre), Fontys University of Applied Sciences and Eindhoven University of Technology.

With a total budget of about 4.6 million euros (of which 50% is co-financed by the EU), the project focusses on sensor and data technology developments with special attention on monitoring the running and cycling athlete. Not only professional athletes, but also recreational enthusiasts will get involved in the project and developments will be tailor-made based on their needs. Various locations (athletic and indoor cycling centers) will be exploited as ‘living labs’. Companies will be able to join during the course of this 3 year project (based on a call yet to be launched). The project is coordinated by

Ghent University will take care of the sports and movement related aspects of one of the running (Prof Dirk De Clercq and Prof Marc Leman) and cycling (Prof Philip Roosen) cases. Our Internet and Data Lab (Philip Leroux) will work on the technical developments on data and data communication level, where our Centre for Microsystems Technology group (Prof Jan Vanfleteren) will (as part of IMEC Flanders) focus on the sensor integration aspects. From the side of Victoris, Kristof De Mey will facilitate collaborative actions between partners and federations, companies and start-ups, co-organize events and assist in communication and valorization activities.

More info (in Dutch): – photos event

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