Dr. Celine Vanhaverbeke


Department of Electronics and Information Systems
Centre for microsystems technology

As IOF innovation officer for ‘smart microsystems for sports- and medtech’, I stimulate and facilitate collaborations between on the one hand the technology groups working on microsystem technology within the IOF e-poly (BD Frederik Leys) and NB-Photonics (BD Eva Ryckeboer) and on the other hand between the groups with specific needs in the field of microsystem technology within the sports and medical sciences in the IOF consortia Victoris (BD Kristof De Mey) and MedTeg (David Aubert). Microsystem technology within e-poly and NB-photonics is mainly found in the imec-associated UGent research groups CMST (Centre for Microsystems Technology) and PRG (photonic research group). This means, among other things, that I help to set up projects in which a new application or technology is developed or further developed within the field of sports or medtech. I am also closely involved in the development of the exploitation and valorization part of funded projects.

I obtained my PhD in Biomedical engineering in 2020 at Ghent University within the research group CMST (Centre for Microsystems Technology). In this area I did research on developing thin and flexible coatings for implants with electronics.

Get in touch

Don’t hesitate to contact us regarding upcoming R&D projects, the creation of new sport products or services, organization of events, or any other question related to sports innovation. Victoris is your single point of contact, giving access to our universities research laboratories and know-how.